Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The Golden Hour

Driving home tonight the clouds parted and this wonderful golden light just shone across the landscape. It was so beautiful. 

Sunday, 19 September 2010

I wonder what he's thinking......

A rather pensive little Foxy. Just before his eye operation does this little dog have a sense of what is about to happen?  Well a few hours later and now the proud owner of a large plastic collar the patient is doing well.

Color me beautiful....

Not a flower in sight but this beautiful leaf arrangement was a wonderful blend of color a pleasure to see.

Little house on the door step

I love this little house and often wish I could open the door and pop inside. 

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Counting sheep.... er one

I saw this beautiful rocking sheep at a local country fair. It was not for sale as it had been in the family of the stall holder for generations. Much loved and a little bald in places is was a toy to fire the imagination and counting sheep took on a whole new meaning. 

Sunday, 5 September 2010

A good old cry

Sometimes a good old cry is all that you need to make the day seem lighter and the task more bearable. Emotions bottled up inside can drain the energy and dampen the sprit. So let it all out!

Creative Industrial Design

I was in this building recently. It had a cold clinical feel yet it was a powerhouse of innovation and creativity. Being open to new ideas is a habit worth putting into practice.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

My Young Farmer

Next week this little boy turns 18 and is legally a man. How quickly time flies. How fleetingly we share the gift of our children's childhood. 

Friday, 3 September 2010

A true classic....

With so many modern reproductions it was so wonderful to see a real classic. An original Fiat 550 

Flowers on stone

The hardness of the material and the gentleness of the image somehow fit so perfectly. 

The three happy builders

Leaving the main entrance of the hospital today I saw these three builders laying a new path. This will enable patients who are blind and partially sighted to cross the road safely on textured paving. Each was kind enough to let me capture the moment.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Dreaming and cleaning

On my way to work I noticed these sweeping brushes outside the back door of a local shop. The pattern on the brush handles lifted the mundane chore into the exotic worlds of high fashion or safari. Oh well a girl can dream!

If you stop a moment and look...

Past it's glorious purple blooms the thistle plant now takes on an ethereal quality. Caught in the warmth of early morning sunlight the seeds wait for that slight breeze to help them on their way.