Tuesday 6 September 2011

My Guys

Thomas is about to start one of life's big adventures. Off to University in Nottingham. How lovely to capture this moment of real affection between father and son. Each has played such a vital role in the development and happiness of the other long may it continue.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

How to take a little sun and yet not miss anything .....

After three months of not being able to pick up a camera this delightful tableau presented itself when I had my camera to hand and could  suddenly see the potential in the pose and in the atmosphere.
Jessicas' was the name I called but young  Foxy (who hates to miss anything) turned his head at the same time.  Snap, the pose for me was just perfection as it captures the close relationship of these two friends. The sun just streamed through the skylight and the warmth of the sun both lit and staged managed my composition with a little help from the models.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Endless leaves natures own carpet

 I love the way the leaves form a natural carpet upon the ground. Walk through them and listen to the range of sounds from crisp crunches to soft rustles to silence. Foxy was soon lost amongst the woodland but luckily comes back when called.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Just thinking I guess

The snowdrops sat on top of a wall and the last rays of a weak winter sun just caught them for a few seconds. In the distance is my car and the road is one I travel most days as I go to work. Most journeys I see something I want to capture with my camera. Fleeting images like memories that rise to the surface of consciousness which then dissipate into the blur of daily living. At the moment my sense of self is in limbo and so my pictures enable me to ground my thinking. My camera helps me to draw comfort from my ability to see  beauty in the void.

Monday 14 March 2011

Black to blue

Still stormy but flashes of light.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Pit of Despair.....Black Dog Days

Dark days are  here with black thoughts, dispair and tears.  I know this will pass and I'll get through this but  the feeling of being well feels very far away and I feel very alone.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Dark days and bugs that won't leave....

How I'm missing light and color almost like a physical pain. The drive into work and home is in darkness and the hedges are all empty and bare.Wet, moldy leaves adorn the trees and  a bitter cold robs even the suns rays of warmth. I've posted this image which I took in November to remind me of how beautiful, bountiful and playful out world can be.

Monday 10 January 2011

Lay'd low this week with a bug....

Given that I've been stuck under a duvet feeling dreadful this weekend why this lovely picture taken in Naples?  Well the image and the content remind me of how lovely summer fruit smells and tastes. Something to look forward to....

Sunday 2 January 2011

First picture of the year - last G&T

Last relaxing G&T of the holiday. Work starts next week and so back to crazy hours and long days.
Here's hoping 2011 is a better year than the last.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Dark days, low light and stray fingers

 Today saw me wanting to take pictures but alas the light was not suitable. I was able to quell my creative urges by using my iphone and a free drawing app. Not great art but great fun!