Saturday, 8 May 2010

Beauty in simplicity.

I love this simple and fragile plant. The fragrance of the leaves, the symmetry of the design and richness of the green in the sunlight. A reminder that the ordinary can be remarkable if we stop to look.


  1. Ferntastic. Where was this taken?

  2. The field that our dogs are taken foe a run most
    days. So glad you like it.

  3. Hi Lorena
    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. The plant is Bracken which is a member of the fern family. Bracken grows wild in hedges, forests and moor land areas. As a child I used to make a den in a clump of bracken in the garden, climb in and hide with a book. It has an earthy musty damp sort of cool smell which I love.
